Home » Peru’s 7ft-tall ‘Alien’ Attackers Are Illegal Gold Mining Gang, Claims Officials
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Peru’s 7ft-tall ‘Alien’ Attackers Are Illegal Gold Mining Gang, Claims Officials

The law enforcement officials of Peru suspect that the ‘seven-foot-tall aliens’, who were reported to have terrorised villagers in Peru, are nothing but illegal gold-mining crime syndicates.

These creatures were said to be ‘floating’ and ‘armoured’ menaces and were reported to be impervious to bullets, as claimed by local leaders. The attackers were compared to ‘green goblins’ by the locals and also to local Peruvian superstitions about ‘los Pelacaras’ (the Face Peelers).

However, the enforcement officials have now given a new theory to the debate, claiming that they were likely the gold mafias belonging to drug cartels like Brazil’s ‘O Primeiro Comando da Capital,’ Colombia’s ‘Clan del Golfo,’ FARC, which ravaged Latin America for decades.

Peru’s National Prosecutor’s Office, which is carrying out an investigation of the ‘alien attacks,’ has held these gold ‘mafias’ responsible, who were ejected partially from Colombia and Brazil by their militaries.

Hiding illegal gold pits

These jetpack-flying gold cartels are now trying to instill fear by spreading an ‘alien’ terror through their actions in Peru, as per the prosecutors. They claimed that these cartels aim at keeping the local people locked in their homes and away from the illegal gold pits of the cartels.

Prosecutors said that the jetpacks were first used by these illegal mining cartels to explore prospects for gold deeper in the forest surrounding the Nanay river in Peru.

In rural Alto Nanay, members of the small Ikitu population are surrounded by dense forest, where it is reported that gold is deposited like silt on the riverbeds along the tributaries of the Nanay river that flow into the Amazon.

The reporters were informed by the Ikitu member that the ‘alien’ siege started this summer on July 11, as locals complained of getting attacked by a 7-foot-tall mysterious creature that appeared in dark-coloured hoods ever since.

“These gentlemen are aliens,” said one Ikitu leader, Jairo Reátegui Ávila, to the local broadcaster Radio Programas del Perú (RPP). “I have shot him twice and he does not fall but rises and disappears,’ Reátegui Ávila confessed to the local radio broadcaster. We are frightened by what is happening in the community,” he added.

However, another key witness for prosecutors, who is a school teacher, claimed to see eerie beings flying from the ground through more terrestrial means.

As per the teacher Cristian Caleb Pacaya, and other prosecution witnesses propellers and high-tech equipment are being used by illegal mining cartels. “They would be using state-of-the-art technology, such as thrusters that allow people to fly,” said Carlos Castro Quintanilla, the Peruvian government’s prosecutor investigating the case, while speaking to news outlet RPP.

Source : WION
