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Public Institutions in Peru Benefit from Cusco Broadband Project

Since its launch in 2021, the Cusco Broadband Project in Peru has been connecting 615 public institutions, located in 371 beneficiary population centres in the Cusco region, to the Internet –  according to Renato Delgado Flores, Executive Director of the National Telecommunications Program (Pronatel).

During a technical visit to the project’s transport NOC, the Pronatel executive director detailed that this includes 424 schools, 147 health posts and 44 police stations, all of which are digitally connected and utilize technological tools for tele-education, telehealth and citizen security.

He also noted that for the operation of this broadband project, 2,109 kilometres of fibre optic cable were deployed, which has also enabled the implementation of 71 Wi-Fi hotspots, providing free Internet access from personal devices to beneficiaries.

“This project has also given us the opportunity to support the return to classes of our students in rural areas, as we have donated more than 4,000 tablets to the regional government for distribution to the project’s beneficiary schools,” he said.

He also commented that other initiatives in the region include Digital Access Centres (CAD) and Public Digital Access Spaces (EPAD), which allow for the continued promotion of digital literacy and inclusion for more citizens in remote areas without access to the Internet.

Source : IntelligentCIO
