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Ukraine, the Commander of a Russian Assault Regiment Killed in Combat

Commander of the Russian 247th Air Assault Regiment Vasily Popov was killed in combat in Ukraine, in the Donetsk-Zaporizhia border area

War without end: The commander of the 247th Russian air assault regiment Vasily Popov was killed in combat in  Ukraine , in the Donetsk-Zaporizhia border area, reports the US think tank Isw (Institute for the study of war) in its last update.

 Popov is the second commander of the 247th regiment to be killed in action, following the death of Colonel Konstantin Zizevsky.

 The ISW had previously announced that elite Ukrainian forces are conducting limited counterattacks in critical sectors of the front: “Popov’s death supports the assessment that these counterattacks are likely to further wear down these units.”

Source : globalist.it
